Why choose us?
  • Most visitors
    5-17 times more
    than in similar websites.
    280 000 applications per month.
  • Largest CV database
    800 000 completed CVs.
    120 000 – past
    six months.
  • Most employers
    2 300 companies currently
    looking for employees
    7 000 – per year.
Site engagement data
The most visited employment website
per mo.
vis. p. m.
Avg. time Bounce rate 2 845 000 554 366 00:05:32 35.27% 562 807 215 910 00:03:53 39.78% 313 779 109 170 00:04:11 41.26% 169 418 76 131 00:02:52 44.28%
Data source:, April 2023 - March2024 period data
Data source:, April 2023 - March2024 period data
amount in different
Administration/work safety 75
Marketing/advertising 70
Customer service/Services 66
Human resources 60
Sales 58
Trade/retail 58
Buying/supply 57
Transport/logistics management 57
Media/communication 56
Real estate 52
Design/architecture 51
Warehousing 51
Transport driving 50
Management/quality management 49
Training/education/culture 40
Insurances 36
Security services 34
Export 34
Information technology 33
Finance/accounting/banking 32
Manufacturing 31
Law 31
Catering 30
Medicine/pharmacy 30
Construction 25
Agriculture 23
Public Administration 20
Energetics/electronics 19
Engineering/mechanics 18
Best companies chooses
Service benefits

Job ads

Job ad renew
Background image for branding your ads
Video in the ad for presenting company / workplace
Map on the ad - showing location of your office
Company information from
Flexible salary input
Customizable field titles
Job ad editing (except job title and city)
Setting data and time of job ad activation
Statistics: how many viewed, applied, saved an ad or are interested in
Additional e-mail for working together with colleague
Additional cities (within 50 km radius) in the job ad
Quality SVG logo possibility

Administration of applicants

Applicant evaluation, messages, CV forwarding and etc.
"Questions to applicants" - convenient preselection
"Applicant history" - previous experience with an applicant
"Autoreply" - your custom reply to every applicant
Applicants' submission with your GDPR rules
"Interested" job seekers - see who views your ad
Salary, experience and ratings information on applicants' list

CV database

Search in CV database
E-mail subscription of the newest CVs
"Saved CVs" - for storing selected CVs


Free participation in conferences
Ads' and usage statistics accessible for employers


All job ads sent to matching jobseekers
Job ad publishing on social media pages
Advertisement in the largest web portals
All job ads published in
Additional possibilities
(paid services)
VIP promotion services for job ads
Individual integration solutions
Advertising banners
See the efficiency of yourself